keskiviikko 31. joulukuuta 2014

Happy new year 2015

Hello xx

I'm feeling a bit sick and I'm supposed to go to Kuopio tonight to New Year's party but I have to see how I'm feeling in few hours. I promised to come and post some photos last week but I was so tired, but here are few photos from the past weeks xx

Photos from my farewell dinner in Tamworth. I added an old photo of my girls because Lauren C. was somewhere else right then when I was taking those epic selfies with everyone.. xx Thanks for everyone who made my 2014 exchange year fantastic and unforgettable, I love you so much! <3 xx
In the past two weeks me and my friends have been around partying quite a lot and here are few photos relating to that.

Anssi and Emilia <3 We went to Chinese with this group + Veera and Jarno and it was so good :3 Look at my eyes! It was the following day I arrived back to Finland haha :D
Scandinavian Hunks were at Puikkari last Friday night! :3 <3
A bit of Australia! <3
My souvenier to Mum and Dad from Aus :)
Salmari (Finnish liquorice shot) and Emilia's shot :D
Emilia <3
So I really hope I can make tonight and go to party with Tanja and Heidi and the rest of the group. I haven't seen them after I came back so I'm really keen for that. I already packed my cool bag for tonight and I just need to chill out for a bit and then start to get ready, because I need to catch a bus to Kuopio from Maaninka. I wish you all amazing last day of 2014 and I hope 2015 will be magnificent!

Thank you for my amazing exchange year in Australia 2014. I'm forever grateful to everyone who took part and made my Aussie life unforgettable. I love you <3

Happy new year 2015! <3

~ Viivi

sunnuntai 21. joulukuuta 2014

I'm home

Hey everyone xx

So I left the land of kangaroos on Friday and I arrived to Helsinki on Saturday morning. I had three flights; Tamworth-Sydney, Sydney-Hong Kong and Hong Kong-Helsinki. Altogether I travelled almost 36 hours plus car trip back home from Helsinki. I'm glad to be back home even though saying goodbyes (I mean, se you laters) to my friends on Wednesday and Thursday were the most difficult thing for me to do. We had this Chinese dinner with my friends and I just loved it. It was so amazing and I thank everyone who took part. I love you so much xx

You will get photos from there and from my trip back home later on when I have time to put photos on my laptop and clean up my room and empty my luggage. Trust me, my stuff are everywhere and it looks like I'm not to be bothered to clean up today.

Tonigh Emilia, Anssi, Veera, Jarno and I are going to have dinner and then later have few drinks together. It was good to se Emilia and Anssi yesterday and Veera and Jarno today. It felt like I never left and everyone were waiting for me. I also met my relatives yesterday and I was so so so happy to talk to them face to face again.

Anyway, now I'm going to relax and chill out before I go out tonight. It's only 9.20am but have to admit that I suffer of jet lag (and still a bit of hangover because it was my 18th birthday on Friday and I might had had too many drinks in Sydney-HK flight so.... :D). I bought my access to Business lounge in HK and I got some weird looks from business men there when I was chilling out in my onesie :D It was such a hilarious trip back home ahaha lol :D

I'll come back and write more next week and put some photos here. Have a great Sunday and a great week, love you xx

~ Viivi

tiistai 16. joulukuuta 2014

Why do all good things come to an end?

Kotiinpaluuseen kaksi päivää. Mä olen itkenyt, nauranut, itkenyt vähän lisää, järjestänyt kivoja juttuja kavereiden kanssa, syönyt lounasta rehtorin kanssa, viettänyt useammat läksiäiset, itkenyt vähän lisää uudestaan, ja koonnut itseni kasaan. Mun tunteet on heitellyt laidasta laitaan. Olen odottanut kotiinpaluuta kuin kuuta nousevaa, seuraavassa hetkessä olen vannonut, etten koskaan jätä Australiaa. Mun aussiystävät tekee kotiinpaluusta vaikeaa, pelottaa, etten koskaan näe heitä enää uudelleen. Mä olen joutunut jättämään hyvästit jo muutamille ystäville, ja musta tuntuu, että mä en voi selvitä tästä hengissä. Se on ollut kamalinta mun elämässä, hyvästellä ystävät ja silti kertoa heille, että tulen vielä jonain päivänä takaisin, että nämä eivät ole hyvästit vaan moikat, pian nähdään. Sisimmissäni kuitenkin tiedän, että joitakin heistä en vain tule näkemään enää koskaan. Sitä ei kuitenkaan sanota ääneen.

Two days until homecoming. I've cried, laughed, cried some more, organised nice things with my friends, ate lunch with the principal, been to few farewell parties, cried some more again and kept myself together. I've been mentally so unsteady and emotional that in the first moment I couldn't wait for going back home and the next moment I swore that I'll never leave this country. My Aussie friends are making my leaving difficult (in a nicest possible way obviously) and I'm so afraid not seeing some of these people ever again. It's difficul to say goodbye and try to tell them that "I'll be back" even though you know you'll never see some of them again. You just don't say it aloud to them. You're lying and you know it too, even you wanted to see them again so badly. I've told everyone that this is not a goodbye, this is "See ya later, mate."

We had a mufti day on Friday, but our theme was Christmas, so Chloe lended me some clothes :)
Chloe as an angel (I think so :D)
Logan <3
My music teacher bought me presents <3
Farewell party on Saturday :'D
Picnic on Sunday with my girls (from left): Bec, Lauren, Michaela, Allison, Lauren, Pippa, Bridget & Rachel <3
Courtney bought me this perfect Australia -jumper <3
SLC ;)
Gabi's birthday today and mine's on Friday ;) At principal's lunch for students who got a McCarthy award.
Farewell party at English class with Isobel, Katiee and Max <3
Jayden, Bree and Josh <3
I sang in a voice ensemble at the school's Awards night and I had to wear a wig because I wasn't allowed on the stage with my red hair (Catholic school problems :'D)

Huomenna illallinen kiinalaisessa lähimpien ystävien kanssa. Kirjoittelen torstaina lisää jos ehdin. Rakastan kaikkia mun ystäviä niin paljon, sitä ei saa unohtaa. Kuitenkin mä tulen kohta kotiin <3

We're having a dinner tomorrow at Chinese with my closest friends. I'll write more on Thursday if I have time. I love you all so much, please don't forget that. Still, I'm coming home soon <3

~ Viivi

torstai 11. joulukuuta 2014

Love and you'll be loved

Moikka! :)

Mä sain hyviä uutisia jo pitkän aikaa sitten, mutta en ole vaan jaksanut blogia paljon ajatella, kun aika kuluu niin nopeaan. Mulle on vihdoin löytynyt vuokra-asunto Kuopiosta, Neulamäestä. Muuttopäivä tulee olemaan 2.1.2015 ja kyseessä on siis tyttösolu jossa on minä ja kämppäkaveri. Keskustaan on neljä kilometriä ja Prismaan vain vähän yli yksi kilometri :D Oon aika innoissani. Oon oottanut tätä jo jonkun aikaa, ja nyt sitten vihdoin tuli se sähköposti. Kuopas on tosiaan vuokranantajana ja amiskallekin tulee olemaan matkaa nelisen kilometriä. Neulamäki on joskus ollut vähän kyseenalainen (ainakin tarinoiden mukaan) alue, mutta nykyään suhteellisen rauhallinen. Muutan mahdollisesti mun labbiksen kanssa, joten on sitten seuraakin :) Siellä on paljon opiskelijoita ja kaupat, apteekit sun muut on tosi lähellä. Sain jo kuviakin sieltä! En malta odottaa! :)

Hey guys! :)

So, some of you might have already heard that I got my student apartment earlier last month. I've been so messed up with my feelings so my blog hasn't been the number one thing to worry, sorry about that. I'm moving in 2.1.2015 and I have another girl living in the same apartment. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a small balcony. Awesome! I'm probably moving in with my labrador so I have company and obviously I hope my roommate is nice and we get along well. It's only 4 kilometres away from business college and there is a small shopping centre literally next to the apartment and a big shopping complex is only a bit more than one kilometre away. I'm so happy that I was this lucky!

Mulla on siis 7 päivää jäljellä Australiassa enää. En voi oikein uskoa, että aika kului loppujen lopuksi näin nopeaan. Sen takia laitankin tähän paljon kuvia ja selitän erikseen, kun muuten tulisi kilometripostaus. Peace & love ja palaan kirjoittamaan ennen lähtöä vielä! xx

I have 7 days to go in Aus. Isn't that crazy? I though a year would be soooo long but now it's gone. This post is going to be too long so that's why I'm going to put here some photos and explain separately under every one of them. I'll write more before I leave Aus! Peace & love & talk to you later xx

Photos are on random order! :D I love you all, thank you for sharing all these moments with me <3

At canteen ladies' Christmas party with Connor, Pat, Isaac, Jarrod and Meg :)
I dyed my hair red yesterday by myself :D Everyone seems to love it.
Year 11 school photo 2014 :DDD #OMGLOLWHY
I sang this song twice at song accompanied by Jasmine <3
Jayden and I (Y)
Charlie the bird :)
After first Friday mass me, Teanna, Madeline, Chloe, Pippa and Isobel <3 I'm gonna miss you all <3
Jack and I, epic selfie :D

Beccyyy <3
Chloe & I & Christmas athmosphere :D
Augie's 13th birthday with Alexis, Augie and Kate :)
Year 11 funny photo and out year coordinator's farewell.
Meg, Bridget and I in canteen ladies party.
Last social with this amazing year 11 group <3 Theme was "The job you'll never have" and I was 80s' fitness lady ;D
Some random salad I made and took a snap :DD
She's my Kaitlin <3
We are too sexy for our shirts.
Sunset when I was running one evening <3 I'm gonna miss this <3
Random selfie from music room with Augie and Shanice :)

~ Viivi