torstai 10. elokuuta 2017

Meille tulee vauva! / I'm pregnant!


Olen odottanut jo hetken malttamattomana, että pääsen kertomaan iloisia uutisia myös teille! Tämä blogi on ollut olemassa jo yli 5 vuotta, joten olette tavallaan päässeet myös seuraamaan minun henkilökohtaista kasvutarinaani tästä näkökulmasta. Olinhan kuitenkin kovin lapsi vielä silloin, kun tämän blogin aloitin, ja haaveet vaihtoon lähdöstä olivat vielä kovin taka-alalla.

Nyt on aika siis kertoa ilouutiset...


Me odotamme vauvaa! <3

Tällä hetkellä olen raskaana viikolla 21. Raskaus on 100% suunniteltu, haluttu ja odotettu <3 Aion kertoa teille nyt raskaudestani viikko kerrallaan, tietysti hieman nyt takautuvasti, mutta pääsemme pian varmasti reaaliaikaiseen päivittämiseen myös.

So far so good, ja olen niin iloinen päästessäni jakamaan raskauttani teidän kanssanne! Vauvan LA on jouluaattona, eli 24.12., kuinka jännittävää! Ihan erilainen joululahja. Tulen siis päivittämään blogia nyt kahdella kielellä, jotta mahdollisimman moni pystyisi lukemaan kuulumisiamme :)

Hey! I've been writing these posts a bit before I posted them and I'm excited to get to share these news with you too! This blog has existed for 5 years already, so you have kinda followed me growing up during these years. I was quite a kiddo when I posted for the first time ever. I had no idea that I was even going to be an exchange student back then. From now on I will blog in both languages, so you can also join me and read my writings! :)

So, the news now!


We are having a baby!

From now on I will share my pregnancy with you week by week! This baby was 100% planned, wanted and expected. Jani and I are very excited to become parents, and I hope you'll enjoy following my pregnancy story from April 2017 to December 2017. The baby's due date is actually Dec 24th, when we actually celebrate Christmas in Finland. We are so glad that we were blessed with this baby and we hope everything goes well! So, welcome to follow this part of our lives!

Ensimmäinen selkeä viiva, ensimmäisen haaleampaakin haaleamman haamun sain torstaina 13. päivä illalla.
First clear positive, I got my first faint positive on Thursday evening on 13th April.

Viimeinen testi, jonka tein toistaiseksi. Halusin saada ne kuuluisat "leffaviivat", joten siinä ne sitten ovat. Täytyy se nyt uskoa! <3 The last test I took for now, wanted to see the evidence that I am really pregnant. Now we just have to believe! <3

~ Viivi

keskiviikko 26. huhtikuuta 2017

Lots of work & graduation

Nyt se sitten vihdoin tapahtui!

Valmistuin merkonomiksi muutama viikko sitten. Sain jo paperitkin kouraan. Ja töitä on riittänyt! Eli kaikki menee loistavasti :) Minä ja Jani ollaan tehty töitä kuin pienet apinat ja aina silloin tällöin nähdään ohimennen kotona :D No, joskus ihan oikeasti niinkin, mutta onneksi meillä on silloin tällöin yhteisiä vapaapäiviäkin. Lakkiaiset olisivat sitten 3.6., ja alustavien yo-tulosten mukaan meni ihan kirkkaasti läpikin, eli tuli ihan hyvät tulokset. On mukava tietää, että on tehnyt jotain oikein. Muuta ei olekaan oikein ehtinyt tehdä, kuin töitä ja nukkua. Ehkä se helpottaa jossain vaiheessa. On mukava taas kirjoittaa, ja lupaan, että kesää vasten on tulossa mukavia ja mielenkiintoisia postauksia! :) Joten, seuraavaan kertaan taas!

Good evening everyone!

It finally happened - I graduated from business college couple of weeks ago! I've also been very busy with my current work. It's very independent, but rewarding. My graduation party will be on 3rd June, and then I will also graduate from high school. I got the early results from there and they seemed very nice considering that I didn't read a lot... But anyway, one chapter in my life has finally ended and all the new adventures are waiting for me! I'm happy to be writing again, and I promise, there will be some very nice posts coming very soon and I hope you'll enjoy them too! So, we'll see again soonish! :)

~ Viivi

sunnuntai 5. helmikuuta 2017

The latest news

Long time no see x

I'm such a bad person when it comes to updating my blog. Anyway, a lot has happened (again!!) since I wrote last time. The autumn passed by pretty quickly and I was busy studying and planning my future. The 5th of October stopped me for a while, because Jani had organised a "little" surprise for me, and he finally (!!!) proposed me, and I said yes! So we are officially getting married, we haven't deciced the date yet but hopefully it will be this year. I love being engaged and it makes me feel safe and stable.

My ring has a diamond <3
I will graduate shortly, I actually got a job last week that'll start soon. I will graduate in two-three months, and after that will hopefully keep working full-time and travel a bit. I'm really glad I got the job, I'm a bit nervous to start because I've never done anything like that before (sales and advertising, even though I'm educated for that.) But I guess everyone's nervous on their first day at a new job. I'll be fine!

I've been taking part to AFS's orientation camps lately and will be leading one camp again in two weeks. It has became a very important hobby for me and after all these years I'm coping better with my feelings regards to my exchange year. I feel so much better about it, and it's exactly three years today when I hopped in a plane and flew to Australia! <3 Time flies also and I'm very happy I got to go and experience everything. I got so many awesome friends so I couldn't be luckier <3

That's basicly all that's been happening. Just basic life - studying, working and chilling out too. Will come back (hopefully) soon and write again. Thanks for being patient with me writing so rarely, I wish to get better with that! :) Sorry about the lazy English of mine, I don't worry about the correct style of writing when I write fast. See you soon! :)

~ Viivi